AP Biology Exam The AP Biology Exam (Advanced Placement) is one of more than 30 tests currently being administered by College Board, a non-profit membership organization. High school students who take the AP Biology test have the opportunity to be graded on a college level for their exam scor...
AP Biology 【难度分析:不花时间和精力,那就别想了】 AP 生物学课程是一门大学生物入门课程。学生通过探究性的调查来培养对生物学的理解,包括进化、能量、信息储存与传输和系统交互。本课程要求 25% 的教学时间用于实验室的实践操作,强调以探究性的研究,为学生提供科学实践的机会。 AP 生物是 AP 理科科目中难度...
AP BIOLOGY: 不建议考. 事实上除了有生物竞赛基础的, 其他同学也不会想到考这个. 毕竟中国高中的生物教育还是非常之弱. 但是, 即使有生物竞赛基础, 背生物单词还是要花大量时间. 另外, SAT生物有相当深度, 可作AP的代替. (SAT便宜多了) 很多大学生物系是不允许AP BIO代课的; AP BIO也代不了什么课(除了鸡肋...
Joyce A. BlinnShira RohdeJay M. Templin
科学(Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Environmental Science) 历史(US history, world history, Euro history) 外语(中文,日语,西班牙语,法语,德语...) 不是每类里边儿所有的AP都要考,但是所有的类别最好都有涉猎。所以其它的科目,比如计算机,经济,人文地理,心理学,艺术,音乐等等,可以按照自己的兴趣和专业选择来选...
Advanced Placement® AP® Psychology Crash Course, Book + Online: Get a Higher Score in Less Time AP® U.S. History Crash Course, Book + Online: Get a Higher Score in Less Time AP® Biology Crash Course, Book + Online: Get a Higher Score in Less Time ...
Biology Practice Exam are written to the content specifications of AP Exams for this subject. Taking this practice exam should provide students with an idea of their general areas of strengths and weaknesses in preparing for the actual AP Exam. Because this AP Biology Practice Exam has never bee...
Course Summary Increase your knowledge about genetics, mitosis, cellular structure and other topics you may find on the Advanced Placement (AP) Biology Test with this comprehensive study guide. Use the lessons and practice quizzes in this course as you prepare for the exam and get the best pos...
® AP Biology ® ® About the Advanced Placement Program (AP ) The Advanced Placement Program® has enabled millions of students to take college-level courses and earn college credit, advanced placement, or both, while still in high school. AP Exams are given each year in May. Students...
4. AP Biology(生物学):备考时长约为8-10个月,主要学习要点包括细胞结构与功能、遗传学、进化论、生态学等生物学的基本概念和原理。 5. AP Chemistry(化学):备考时长约为8-10个月,主要学习要点包括化学反应、化学平衡、化学键结构、化学热力学等化学的基本概念和原理。 6. AP Physics 1(物理学1):备考时长...