基础教科书是不可或缺的工具。“AP Biology Textbook: Campbell Biology 10th Edition”是必读书目,而“5 Steps to a 5 - AP Biology”则提供额外指导,助你全面准备。历年真题是实战演练的最佳选择。“Old FRQs by Unit”整合了2002至2019年的真题,让你在理解与实践中不断提升。重要公式清单,如...
AP Biology Chapter 1 Definitions (definitions from AP Edition Campbell Biology in Focus) Evolution 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 Descent with modification; the idea that living species are descendants of ancestral species that were different from the present-day ones; also defined more...
Biology Ap EditionNeil A. Campbell
If you have completed a first-year high school biology course, some of this chapter will serve as a review for the basic concepts of Mendelian genetics. For other students, this may be your first exposure to genetics. In either case, this is a chapter that should be carefully mastered. ...
简单说一下我当时的方法:买一本Campbell Biology:记住在amazon或者Alibris.com: Save on New, Rare &...
Campbell Biology: 《Campbell生物学》是一本非常受欢迎的生物学教材,被广泛用于大学和AP生物课程。它提供了广泛的生物学知识,包括生物学的各个领域和主题,如细胞生物学、生态学、进化论等。 Barron's AP Biology: 这是一本专门为准备AP生物考试的教材,内容覆盖了考试的所有主题和要求。它包含了大量的练习题和模拟...
http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/ap/students/biology/ap03_biology.pdf Textbooks The lab manual used for this course is entitled, AP Biology Lab Manual compiled by the College Board, 2000. The textbook used is Biology, fifth edition by Campbell, Reece, Mitchell, 1999 (which is ...
WewillbeusingthetextbookBiology;6 th Edition:byCampbellandReece.You maycheckoutacopyofthetextbookbeforetheschoolyearendsonJune17,or maydecidetopurchaseacopyofthebook(ISBN#0-8053-0009-0).Thereare severalwebsitesthatsellusedtextbooksforsignificantlylessthanthecostofa ...
理解课程要求:首先要了解AP生物课程的大纲和考试要求,包括涵盖的主题和考试格式。这有助于你确定重点和制定学习计划。 使用教科书:选择一本权威的AP生物教科书,例如Campbell Biology、Barron's AP Biology等,用来系统地学习课程内容。教科书通常覆盖了所有的考试主题,并提供了丰富的知识和例题。
USABO & BBO生物竞赛直通车培训课程,以《Campbell Biology》为教材,进行大学生物学课程学习,构建完整的系统性生物学学科知识体系。 课程集中,知识密集,课程内容直通USABO & BBO生物奥赛,使学生达到高效的竞赛备考,直通奖牌! BBO&USABO课程师资 ✦课程类型:精品小班 / 一对一(滚动开班) ...