other beneficial plant species in the fields will be likely to be affected and the species diversity might decline.(本题难度相对较低)(f) 这道题目主要是问种植的HT大豆,除了供人类食用之外可以怎么用,例如作为动物的饲料;或者是榨油,做bio-dies...
-说说AP BIO PT3 FRQ2 神神叨叨我给你算一卦 371 5 Brainbee脑科学竞赛第二章脑发育之衰老的大脑健康衰老Aging of Brain 神神叨叨我给你算一卦 677 1 15-免疫之体液免疫B Cell 神神叨叨我给你算一卦 248 0 动物生理学之人体生殖系统和过程 神神叨叨我给你算一卦 327 0 老生常谈的细胞比表...
Biology Unit 1 Nature of Science and Ecology 27個詞語 megs11228 預覽 ECOLOGY FINAL EXAM UNCW 830個詞語 nicolevenendaal 預覽 3.3 26個詞語 pettyz 預覽 Ecology Test Study Guide 39個詞語 Loni_Hernandez1 預覽 Rad Bio Chapter 2 24個詞語 dasiasmith1997 預覽 Biology Unit 11 28個詞語 ZoePBS 預覽...
AP bio 是非常考验信息提取能力的,可以简单地概况为一小部分生物常识+一大部分阅读理解。有些生物知识...
1. Unit 1-6 (不会考Unit 7-8),每个单元都是有联系的 2. 建议同学们去YouTube看CB的AP Bio复习视频 3. 建议同学练习CB最近出的两套的practice exams 4. AP bio 不需要用计算器 考试形式 2个FRQ (一个长,一个短) 25分钟写长的FRQ,5分钟提交答案 1. 占65%考试总分 2. 分析和解释实验结果 3. 同...
learn-biology.com/apbio ScienceMusicVideos 该网站的最大特点与名称相符,许多教学视频伴随着与内容有关的音乐,帮助提高学生的记忆效率。此外很多的在线互动教程可以引导学生一步步完成内容,并包括了用于复习的Flash Card和AP的MCQ/FRQ练习题。 7. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCSTS): Uni...
In 2022, 14.8 percent of students who took the AP Biology exam scored a 5 compared to last year’s 7.4 percent. AP Bio students scored highest on Unit 8: Ecology. The most challenging section of the exam, for students, was Unit 6: Gene Expression and Regulation. ...
Not all AP classes are hard for everyone, though.Someone who's good at science may find that AP Bio is a breeze...but really struggle with AP English Literature.This guide will help you figure out which AP courses may be easier for you. ...
Programs AP Stat or AP Bio for a physics major? So I'm an upcoming freshman at my local high school (class of 2021) and I know without a shadow of a doubt I will pursue a physics major in college and eventually a career in the field. At this point I've managed to set up a pr...