This is another good reason to go online, though it's worth noting that the person teaching you at home can get their AP curriculum accredited if they so desire. (More information can be found in our guide to passing yourCollege Board Course Audit.) In that case, you can have the class...
The SciShow— This YouTube channel explains all kinds of scientific phenomena. Probably of specific interest to AP Bio self-studiers, as there are lots of explanations of biological processes (and answers to some very important questions, likewhether or not you have to give up bacon.) The Nak...
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这一合作将使谷歌能够访问Reddit的数据API,该API提供Reddit平台上的实时内容。这不仅将为谷歌提供一种高效、有结构的方式来访问Reddit上庞大的现有内容库,还将允许谷歌在其产品中以新的方式展示Reddit的内容。 就在上周,彭博社报道称,Reddit与一家未具名的AI公司达成了6000万美元的训练交易。目前,谷歌搜索正在扩展测试...