第一道题总体来讲,难度适中,从题目所涉及的知识点来看,主要包括大纲要求的Unit 6,7能源和大气污染以及experiment design类的问题,这几类问题在官方之前放出的sample questions里面都有体现,地面臭氧污染和能源类的题目在历年的FRQ里出现频率也较高,因此难度...
4. 离考试还剩最少半个月的时候,开始做frq,大概做5,6年之内的。有时间尽量自己写,然后对照答案改...
有些生物知识不需背诵,因为题干会给,frq里面很少直接考察“默写”,更多的会让你去进行概括/提出自己的设想。 下面说一下Ap生物备考重点 AP Bio 考察的内容和国内普高生物的内容是非常相似的,但在很多章节上比国内的生物更难更深,如photosynthesis光合作用和 cellular respiration细胞呼吸中的electron carrier transport。
第一道题总体来讲,难度适中,从题目所涉及的知识点来看,主要包括大纲要求的Unit 6,7能源和大气污染以及experiment design类的问题,这几类问题在官方之前放出的sample questions里面都有体现,地面臭氧污染和能源类的题目在历年的FRQ里出现频率也较高,因此难度并不大。 比较有挑战性的可能就是答题时间,浏览了一下本题...
This short FRQ is divided into four parts (a through d).You’ll need to correctly complete the task outlined in each part in order to earn full credit for this question.We’ll break down what each task is asking you to do and how many points each one is worth below: ...
Primary antibodies (1:10,000 dilution) were monoclonal α-V5 (Invitrogen), polyclonal α-II or α-I (17), or polyclonal α-IIC and α-IN (raised in rabbits against the peptides CKSLYNRITERFEKTFRQKR and SVSKDAVDNIRQQAYKSLLC, respectively, which correspond to the C terminus of apoLp-...
AP Course and Exam Description:Remember the AP Course and Exam Description booklet I mentioned above for figuring out what you need to review? It also has sample exam questions (of all types) in the back. Hurrah! Official free-response questions:The College Board has kindly released free-respo...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00jbG_cfGuQ 同时也可以用quizlet导入Ap Bio的关键terms,自己没...
1,根据大纲合理规划时间 大纲是什么?AP生物大纲围绕4个Big Idea展开 具体内容可参考此链接:AP Biology...