置顶AP Biology Free Response questions 总结分析(1999-2021) AP生物考试中,Section II的FRQ(或称essay question)是占比总成绩50%,在学习过程中要尽量练习拿分,CB官网上有放出历年的国际考FRQ真题,这是一个很好的资源,建议不要等到…阅读全文 赞同5 3 条评论 分享收藏比...
書寫 選項 a. 1) Specific Example: Bactaria -Binary fission splits into two cells Evolutionary Advantages: 1. It is successful at low population density 2. Eliminates energy cost of finding a mate b. 1. Crossing over -Generates new combinations of alleles ...
FRQ 1 依然在第一题中考察了实验设计类题目,是三个treatment对crop yield的影响。第一个是none,第二个是纯bio,第三个是bio+physical。题目是认因变量、写hypothesis 、改变自变量(拿掉第三组的bio)之后对结果的影响。 后面的小题考察对于垃圾处理工艺的掌握并且有图像可以作为参考,具体是处理plastic waste的方法(...
Are AP Physics 1 FRQ's appropriate for First Year Student This post is directed at the college professors and graduate TA's on the forum. You may or maynot be aware that the College Board recently redesigned the algebra/trig based AP physics course and split it into two - 1 year cours...
Unit 3 Progress Check: FRQ 5個詞語 Latrinity_19 預覽 AP Human Geography Exam Unit 7: Understanding Terms 38個詞語 w5dgnqfgrn 預覽 exam #2 43個詞語 coolgirlhere 預覽 Unit 4 Vocab Part 1 16個詞語 drschemenauer7 預覽 Unit 5&6 Uconn Enviro 10個詞語 brysonbelle 預覽 Ch. 8 human geo vo...
AP生物-最新历年大题与答案下载 AP bio 2003-2015 FRQ (大题与答案)【D&L留学培训】 2015.8更新