置顶AP Biology Free Response questions 总结分析(1999-2021) AP生物考试中,Section II的FRQ(或称essay question)是占比总成绩50%,在学习过程中要尽量练习拿分,CB官网上有放出历年的国际考FRQ真题,这是一个很好的资源,建议不要等到…阅读全文 赞同5 3 条评论 分享收藏比...
科目 建立 登入 返回 書寫 選項 a. 1) Specific Example: Bactaria -Binary fission splits into two cells Evolutionary Advantages: 1. It is successful at low population density 2. Eliminates energy cost of finding a mate b. 1. Crossing over ...
FRQ 1 依然在第一题中考察了实验设计类题目,是三个treatment对crop yield的影响。第一个是none,第二个是纯bio,第三个是bio+physical。题目是认因变量、写hypothesis 、改变自变量(拿掉第三组的bio)之后对结果的影响。 后面的小题考察对于垃圾处理工艺的掌握并且有图像可以作为参考,具体是处理plastic waste的方法(...
Programs AP Stat or AP Bio for a physics major? So I'm an upcoming freshman at my local high school (class of 2021) and I know without a shadow of a doubt I will pursue a physics major in college and eventually a career in the field. At this point I've managed to set up a pr...
bio chapter 19 22個詞語 lkschurr08 預覽 PLP2000 Exam 2 - Student Questions 76個詞語 alicet50292 預覽 AP Human Geography - Development Vocabulary (Lewis) 17個詞語 FLY2459 預覽 AP Human Geo Unit 2 Test 159個詞語 beckerfe 預覽 Key Concepts in Ancient Civilizations and Governance 16個詞語 iwick...
AP生物-最新历年大题与答案下载 AP bio 2003-2015 FRQ (大题与答案)【D&L留学培训】 2015.8更新