analysis/argumentoramorematurewritingstyle. A6essayadequatelyaddressestheprompt.Theanalysisand/orargumentisontarget andmakesuseofappropriatespecificsfromthetext.However,theseelementsarelessfully developedthanscoresinthe7,8,9range.Thewriter’sideasareexpressedwithclarity,but thewritingmayhaveafewerrorsinsyntaxand...
写作包含综合性写作(synthesis,对材料进行总结和分析)、分析性写作(rhetorical analysis,用词/句型/修辞分析等)和议论文写作(argument,论证/逻辑/反驳等),课堂上以学生圆桌式讨论为主,老师引导为辅。 **AP英语写作对孩子的阅读和思辨能力以及文学素养的要求很高,分析能力和写作技巧、写作深度和逻辑性都是考试的一大难点。
—Roberta Reavey, Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey 14 Advice for AP English Language and Composition Teachers • Assign a problem–solution essay in which students write, as their closing paragraph, a procatalepsis. This term, from Aristotelian argument, requires that writers present and ...
Conclusion Generator for Your Essay Paper Students often find themselves in the middle of a stressful situation when they are trying to write an efficient
Always remember that your essay writing should be based on text sources. You mustn't just mention them in the text. Use them to improve your argument. The more sources you refer to, the better your score will be. Make sure you're not just summarizing them, but critically evaluating them...
TheargumentforRALINK_GPIO_LED_SETisralink_gpio_led_infostructure: Page 68 of 119 typedefstruct{ intgpio unsignedinton unsignedintoff unsignedintblinks unsignedintrests; unsignedinttimes; }ralink_gpio_led_info; WritetheapplicationtosettheLEDfrequencythroughtheioctlinterfaceoftheGPIOdevice. Usetheexampleappl...
depicting Roosevelt raking muck; and a Malcolm Gladwell essay, “The Trouble with Fries.” Student must use the Sinclair and Schlosser sources, along with at least three of the other sources, as evidence to support their argument on 1 of 4 prompts (their choice): 1) Is Eric Schlosser...
They’re at it again: Domaine du Cellier aux Moines is putting Juliénas on the map with Mount Bessay. The team at Domaine du Cellier aux Moines has reminded the world that great and distinctive wines can come from Givry (autocorrect, it’s not Gevrey) in the Côte Chalonnaise. Now, ...