Discover LG AP300AWFA. Click for pictures, reviews, and tech specs for the LG product LG PuriCare™ Wearable Air Purifier.
Product Type: Wearable Air Purifier Air Volume(LPM)*Liter Per Min: 20~55(Max) Operation Noise (dB): 43dB(Min) ~ 54dB(Max) Usage time (Fully charged): 4hr(Min) ~ 8hr(Max) Recharge Time:approx. 2 Hours Fan Speed: High / Medium / Low ...
1.外观设计产品名称:车载空气净化器(AP1303). 1. Designs Product Name: car air purifier (AP1303). 2.本产品用于清除空气中的微生物和污染物. 2. This product is used to remove airborne microorganisms and contaminants. 3.本外观设计的设计要点是其整体外形. Design elements 3. The design is its ...
產品名稱 : MOMAX Robust IoT 智能紫外光負離子空氣淨化機產品型號 : AP8S 本用戶指南為介紹此產品在HKBN Smart應用程式的使用及各類智能操作教學,有關以下詳細內容請參閱包裝內的使用說明書: •產品總覽; •LED顯示屏; •保養; •濾網更換; •包裝內容; •注意事項等。 下載及安裝 HKBN Smart 應用...
Blueair AP7766 00 Professional Air Purifier说明书 CADR 710 P/>400 F CCM P4/ F4 Removes 99.97% 0.3µm particles Removes 99.9% bacteria & virus Effective area: 50 - 85 m² AP7766/00Healthier Air, Always Double performance, double reassurance Compact & robust design equiped with ...
Omg ... as a Long Time 3M 60926 mask user I would have to say this LG PuriCare™ Wearable Air Purifier is a godsend ! For people that lives in Hong Kong we all know how the police love to bully innocent people like me, for them wearing 3M 60926 = rioter = criminal scum But the...
360 全效濾芯 | 結合H11 HEPA 及 活性碳; 每秒釋放 2000萬粒負離子; 體積輕巧、圓柱設計、不佔空間; 免觸式 手勢觸發開關/風速、方便易用; 清晰溫度、濕度、空氣質素指示
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AIRMEGA 300 The Smarter Air Purifier (Covers 1256 sq. ft.) ¥549美 去购买 而在美亚,它还有一个同系型号:AIRMEGA 300S。 美国亚马逊 AIRMEGA 300S The Smarter App Enabled Air Purifier (Covers 1256 sq. ft.), Compatible with Alexa ¥599.66美 ...