Pacific-Oceania: Grief, Loss And Violence In Ancient Mangaia, Aotearoa And Te WaipounamuIndigenousPeoplesAdminJournal of Pacific History
Nō mātou tonu te whakaaro kia hoatu he karahipi e £25 i te tau hei āwhina: ā, i te mea ka kitea kei te ranea he moni mō tēnei tau ka whakawhānuitia te āwhina kia horapa atu ki ngā minita Māori katoa puta noa i Aotearoa me Te Waipounamu. dic-expander Pare: E ...
Rewarewa (Knightia excelsa, Proteaceae) is a tree species endemic to Aotearoa New Zealand, with a natural distribution spanning Te Ika-a-Māui (North Island) and the top of Te Waipounamu (South Island). We used the pseudo-chromosome genome assembly of re
Kōtitititi or Tītipounamu are also names for the rifleman, the smallest bird in Aotearoa, which flies short distances very quickly. Kare ā-roto kōtitititi describes difficulty managing emotions. Māuiui whakawā ata: Body image difficulties Ata is a reflected image (for our tūpuna, or ...
Syzygium maire once grew across much of Te Ika-a-Māui (North Island) and the north eastern tip of Te Waipounamu (South Island) (McCarthy et al. 2019), but is now nearly absent in much of its former range due to habitat conversion (Van Der Walt et al. 2020). Extant populations are...
In Te Ika-a Māui (the North Island of New Zealand), toheroa can be found on the northland (Taitokerau) west coast from Muriwai to Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē (Ninety Mile Beach) and on the south-west (Kāpiti-Horowhenua) coast from Ōtaki to Foxton. In Te Waipounamu (the South Island)...
Following Te Rā in Aotearoa: from Te wai pounamu to Te ika a MauiRenard, LisaContext (11763132)
This study provides the first detailed documentation of pockmarks offshore the South Westland margin of the South Island/Te Waipounamu, Aotearoa New Zealand. Pockmarks are identified from multibeam bathymetry (25-m grid) through manual and semi-automated selection in water depths of 100-2600 m....
includingmātaurangaMāori (Office of the Minister for the Environment2021: [28]) and reaffirm the significance ofTe Mana o Te Wai(themanaof freshwater), and the related conceptTe Mana o Te Taiao(themanaof the environment, referred to in the New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy (discussed further...