打开frameworks/base/data/etc/privapp-permissions-platform.xml这个文件,在<permissions>标签的内部添加需要的权限: <permissions><privapp-permissionspackage="com.dubhe.mysystemapp"><permissionname="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/><permissionname="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/><permissionnam...
Add sms log to session metrics Jan 8, 2025 test-base Clean the license metadata on dependencies of module android.test.legacy Mar 9, 2024 test-junit Clean the license metadata on dependencies of module android.test.legacy Mar 9, 2024
对象存储迁移 服务 OMS 云备份服务 CBR 消息&短信服务 MSG SMS 弹性公网IP EIP 云审计 服务 CTS 云搜索 服务 CSS 视频分析服务 VAS 数据管理服务 DAS 裸金属服务器BMS 云测CloudTest VPC终端节点 VPCEP 云存储网关服务 CS G 虚拟专用网络 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 附录 附录 状态码 错误码 应用编排错...
BluetoothMapbMessageSms.java BluetoothMapObexServer.java SmsMmsContacts.java BluetoothMapContent.java BluetoothMapService.java BluetoothMapContentObserver.java BluetoothMapSettingsAdapter.java pbap 路径1:packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/pbap $lspackages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/...
Build android ROMs using github actions! Contribute to Ksoqkwosnsms/crave_aosp_builder development by creating an account on GitHub.
对象存储迁移 服务 OMS 云备份服务 CBR 消息&短信服务 MSG SMS 弹性公网IP EIP 云审计 服务 CTS 云搜索 服务 CSS 视频分析服务 VAS 数据管理服务 DAS 裸金属服务器BMS 云测CloudTest VPC终端节点 VPCEP 云存储网关服务 CS G 虚拟专用网络 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 对AOSP构建工程配置构建加速 对AOSP构...
Apple responds to iPhone text message spoofing, reminds us how secure iMessage is — If you're a frequent texter, and the iPhone is your weapon of choice, there's a good chance you've been a wee bit concerned since yesterday's report that the device is vulnerable to a certain SMS spoo...
The only bug I found is that SMS messages are not working, so, I can't receive any sms (tryed from another phones to mine), so I couldn't set up my google account waiting for the sms code to verify. Other than that, rom is very nice, hope it get fixed. Thanks for y...
问编译aosp时出错: make:[out/build-aosp_arm.ninja]已终止EN尝试从aosp构建android遵循ubuntu16.04 x64上的android文档,jdk和工具链安装完成,但在几个minutes.here是构建日志后构建停止:在领导出差项目量产的节骨眼上,公司服务器出问题了,具体是硬盘问题,于是就派我这个刚入行半年的来重装ubuntu系统然后搭建...