Aosn ii(autonomous ocean sampling network ii)Project coordinationThe long-term goals of this project are to design and build and Adaptive Coupled Observation/ Modeling Prediction system. The system will use oceanographic models to assimilate data from a variety of platforms and sensors to provide ...
A 摘要: The AOSN-II project explored the ability of large-scale ocean observing systems to characterize and predict ocean state. The creation of an extended coastal observatory was identified as a realizable first step. The project developed key components and assembled them into an adaptive ...
During the August-September 2003 AOSN-II experiment, the Harvard Ocean Prediction System (HOPS), a system of integrated software for multidisciplinary oceanographic research and forecasting, was used to provide real-time forecasts of physical variables and model errors for dynamical investigations and ...
During the August-September 2003 AOSN-II experiment, the Error Subspace Statistical Estimation (ESSE) system was utilized in real-time to forecast physical fields and uncertainties, assimilate a varied set of data streams (ships, gliders, aircraft), and provide suggestions for adaptive sampling and...
When the AUX Board on the OSN1500 NE Is Reset, the PIU Board Reports the bd_status Alarm The processing method for NESOFT_MM alarms caused by the inconsistent master/slave master file of the OSN1500 Services Are Transiently Interrupted After a Fiber Break Occurs Due to the Overlay of SNCP...
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