AOS.init(); 将AOS 与 React.js 集成 React.js专注于UI开发,与AOS配合良好。 这种集成拓宽了创造性的可能性,使开发人员能够设计出迷人的动态用户界面。 在将AOS 与 React.js 集成之前,需要安装 AOS 包。 //Command to install AOS package via NPM npm install --save aos@next 安装后,我们需要导入 AOS ...
"use client";import{useEffect}from"react";import"@reimujs/aos/dist/aos.css";exportdefaultfunctionPage(){useEffect(()=>{import("@reimujs/aos").then(({default:AOS})=>{AOS.init();});},[]);} Nuxt import{onMounted}from"vue";import"@reimujs/aos/dist/aos.css";onMounted(()=>{import(...
Phakaphol Portfolio is an interactive ,90s theme game-like personal portfolio website built using React. It features a dynamic menu navigation system that allows users to explore different sections using keyboard controls or mouse clicks. The design inc
如果你担心HTML5校验的问题,可以为上面的属性添加data-前缀。 全局配置 如果你不想单独每个元素做一个动画配置,你可以通过init()方法来统一配置所有元素的动画效果。 AOS.init({ offset: 200, duration: 600, easing: 'ease-in-sine', delay: 100, }); 额外配置 AOS提供了2个额外的配置方法,这些方法只...
If during yarn install you receive the error digital envelope routines::unsupported, you need to set NODE_OPTIONS to --openssl-legacy-provider (1, 2, 3)About Desktop environment in the browser Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Stars 0 stars Watchers 0 ...
在将AOS 与 React.js 集成之前,需要安装 AOS 包。 //Command to install AOS package via NPM npm install --save aos@next 安装后,我们需要导入 AOS 库及其 CSS 文件。 必须调用 init() 函数来初始化 AOS。 //Importing AOS and initializing it ...
From here on out we’ll assume you’re using hypernova-ruby and React with hypernova-react.Nodenpm install hypernova --saveThis package contains both the server and the client.Next, lets configure the development server. To keep things simple we can put the configuration in your root folder,...
When Xiaomi Home Integration needs to control a device, it publishes a device command message to the MQTT Broker, which is then forwarded to the device by Xiaomi central hub gateway. The device reacts and responds after receiving the downstream message from the gateway. ...