马腾飞09 鹰蛋 2 一直出现如下press ctrl+i to enter config utility ,应该如何重装系统,想用usb装都找不到该怎么办,求大神指导 蜀山剑阁 鹰崽 3 亲,您这是进入RAID设置界面了~USB引导请前往BIOS设置界面设置^_^ 贴吧用户_aaQMMZ9 Aorus 1 你重新拔插一下硬盘试试 登录...
Enter BIOS -> Press Delete -> Enter Setup Save & Exit -> Load Optimized Defaults Boot -> CSM Support -> Disabled Boot -> Secure boot -> Disabled Settings -> IO Ports -> Above 4G Decoding -> Enabled Settings -> IO Ports -> Enable ReSize BAR Support -> Enabled Settings -...
Update the BIOS easily without installing the CPU, memory, and graphics card. With GIGABYTE Q-Flash Plus, you don’t need to install the CPU, memory, and graphics card or enter the BIOS menu to flash the BIOS. Just download and save a new BIOS file (rename to gigabyte.bin) on the U...
With GIGABYTE Q-Flash Plus, you don't need to install the CPU, memory and graphics card nor enter the BIOS menu to flash the BIOS. Just download and save a new BIOS file (rename to gigabyte.bin) on the USB flash drive, then press the dedicated Q-Flash Plus button and you're good...
•Enter BIOS->Press Delete->Enter Setup •Save & Exit->Load Optimized Defaults • Boot -> CFG Lock ->Disabled • Boot -> Windows 8/10 Features ->Win 8/10 WHQL •Boot -> CSM Support ->Disabled(Can be set to Enabled if need be but try to have it set to Disabled firs...
Cannot enter in bios anymore, why? IdkWish I could have my money back, but maybe now it is too late. I gonna keep with this hoping that nothing more than "I cannot update the firmware" and "I cannot boot normally" since mainly win11 is working, however I hope I dont need to instal...
Enable Secure Boot B550M DS3H AC: I do not know how to enable the Secure Boot. I tried by using the BIOS mode and I couldn't find the option. I've tried by using the Windows troubleshooting https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-11-and-secure-boot-a8ff1202-c0d9-42f5...
AutoGreen is an easy-to-use tool that provides users with simple options to enable system power savings via a Bluetooth-enabled smartphone/tablet device. When the device is out of the range of the computer’s Bluetooth receiver, the system will enter the specified power saving mode. Before us...
When I enter the games, the CPU watt drop problem has been completely eliminated, but of course we can only use it while it is charging. This is how I found the solution. I'm guessing the problem is most likely the bios software not working in harmony with the battery. H...
In most cases people just leave the BIOS settings at their default but those looking to squeeze a little extra performance out of their system will venture unto the BIOS to overclock and tweak their hardware. Overclocking allows the user to enter the BIOS and modify settings such as voltage, ...