Aortic dissection was exclusively a postmortem diagnosis until the first part of the 20th century, when Gurin, in 1935, attempted surgical intervention to decompress a nonreentering FL causingacute leg ischemiawith the first iliacfenestrationprocedure[20,21], followed later on, by Shaw in 1955, wi...
Aortic dissectionCPB, cardiopulmonary bypassCT, cardiothoracicCTA, computed tomography angiographyCXR, chest x-rayCase reportPregnancyWe describe a 24-year-old pregnant woman at 34 weeks of gestation who presented to a community hospital with sharp chest pain radiating to her back. She was found to...
Surgical managementis dependent on thelocation of the aneurysm, with the threshold for surgery varying dependent on patient factors. For example, patients suffering from Marfan’s syndrome or having a previous thoracic dissection have a greater risk of dissection and rupture, and threshold levels for ...
is called tachyarrhythmia.Sepsis in Children,hypotensionHypotensionHypotension is defined as low blood pressure, specifically < 90/60 mm Hg, and is most commonly a physiologic response. Hypotension may be mild, serious, or life threatening, depending on the cause.Hypotensionin rupture or dissection ...
-aorticdissection -distalthrombus -embolismandischaemiatogut,kidneysorlegs -compartmentsyndrome -balloonrupture -damagetoplateletsandRBC’s Efficiencyeffectedby: -timingofinflationanddeflation -assistratio -heartrate(tachycardia>130reducesbenefitofIABP)
This study confirms the dissection of descending tho- racic aorta. The patients were underwent the repair of thoracic aorta by the EV stent insertion approach. At the end of surgery, after repairing the injured part of aorta, the patients were referred to Intensive Care Uni...
CXR TEE CT MRI Classification A B Debakey Stanford Whattypeofdissection StanfordA DebakeyIorII AcuteManagement BetaBlockade Reduceswallstressonaorta dP/dT Ruptureprevention Antihypertensives Reducesshearstressontheaorta Anti-impulse/propagationtherapy ...
It is associated with cardiovascular diseases and severe complications like aortic aneurysms and dissection. We assess qualitatively and quantitatively explainable methods to understand the decisions of a deep learning model for detecting aortic elongation using chest X-ray (CXR) images. METHODS AND ...
The risk of PAA is due to respiratory compromise, compression of other structures, and dissection. We describe the rare presentation of a PAA with a concomitant ascending aortic aneurysm.#Case Description:75-year-old woman with a PMH of hypertension, Group I pulmonary artery hypertension, HFpEF,...
Hagan P, Nienaber CA, Das S, et al. Acute aortic dissection: presen- tation, management and outcomes in 1996 -- results from the Internation- al Registry for Aortic Dissection (IRAD). J Am Coll Cardiol 1998;31: Suppl A:217A. abstract....