UQ08 AOR SDU5000 $489.95 SOLD Spectrum Display The AOR SDU5000 spectrum display is designed for use with the AR3000A wideband receiver. The screen is a 192 by 210 pixel, 16 color LCD. The rear panel has 10.7 MHz IF input and RS232 jacks. It comes with the 12 VDC power supply. Incl...
When connected with the AR5000, the SDU5500 virtually works as a spectrum analyzer over 10 kHz to 2600 MHz range as the center frequency always becomes the receive frequency. The SDU5500 comes with an AC power supply, BNC to BNC cable to connect to the IF output of the AR5000 and a ...
6-18CONFIG-EXTERNALIFoutput(SDU5000)296-19CONFIG-ComputercontrolBPS296-20CONFIG-Advancedaerialswitching306-21CONFIG-Frequencystandard32 (7)Memorybanks&channels...33 7-1Storingreceivedataintomemory-VFOmode337-2Memoryrecall-Recallingreceivedatafrommemory347-3...
AOR_AR-5000_使用说明书手册_IT.pdf 4SQRP_Bayou_Jumper_revA_使用说明书手册.pdf AOR_SDU-5600_使用说明书手册.pdf C568-中文使用说明书手册.pdf NAD-C328-中文使用说明书手册.pdf文档评论(0) 发表评论 内容提供方:158***5542 审核时间:2025-02-18 审核编号:6152051151011042 认证类型:实名认证 能力类型:内...
AOR产品目录 序号 型号 1 AR5001D专业级通信接收机 2 AR2300专业级黑盒接收机 3 AR-ALPHA专业通讯接收机 4 AR-MINI手持接收机 5 AR-ONE专业型通信接收机 6 AR-ONEBB黑盒接收机 7 AR8200MK3宽频手持接收机 8 AR8200MK3-IR宽频手持接收机 9 AR8600MK2宽频接收机 10 SR2200高端黑盒接收机 1 SDU5600FFT...
彩色成像技术,SDU5600采样速度高达每秒6次,能迅速 侦察新的频率。“瀑布式显示”功能更加清晰的显示主机菜 单的选择功能。 它兼容所有 AOR AR5000 和 AR8600 系列 及 AR-ONE 接收机,以及其他 10.7 MHz IF 输出的接收机。 FFT P.11 Spectrum FFT Display Unit 器 材 配 件 数 字 式 通 讯 设 备 天...
Product Catalogue | ???接收监控器器材配件数字式通讯设备天线通讯接收机接收监控器通讯接收机数字式通讯设备天线接收监察器通讯接收机数字式通讯设备天线??*所有指标、参数均作参考,如有变动恕不另行通告。 18 19 SA7000 DA3200 DA753G LA380/LA390 DA5000 MA500 ?? 11 1
SDU5600Spectrum display.INFODiscontinued #3407 TV5000External NTSC Video Adapter.INFODiscontinued TV5000AInternal NTSC Video Adapter.INFODiscontinued TVA1External NTSC Video Adapter.INFODiscontinued SM5000AFull AR5000A/A+ service manual in a binder.VIEWDiscontinued ...
When connected with the AR5000, the SDU5500 virtually works as a spectrum analyzer over 10 kHz to 2600 MHz range as the center frequency always becomes the receive frequency. The SDU5500 comes with an AC power supply, BNC to BNC cable to connect to the IF output of the AR5000 and a ...
INFO Discontinued CR-400 Tape recorder audio and control cable. VIEW Discontinued DC2001C DC power cord cigarette lighter plug. VIEW Discontinued DC3000 DC power cord only. INFO Discontinued SDU5000 Spectrum display unit. INFO Discontinued WX2000 FAX demodulator with printer. INFO. Discontinued...