The enhanced AOR AR7030 Plus is similar to the AR7030, but with higher tolerance components, 400 alphanumeric memories, increased balance of the mixer for greatest IP2 & IPS, Bournes optical encoder, enhanced RF attenuation and improved filters. ...
Please note this is not a "Plus" version, but has a total of 6 filters and the NB/Notch option. S/N 100090. [09/18]Click here for technical info on this discontinued model UM53 AOR AR7030+ $1199.95 SOLD Shortwave Communications Receiver The AOR AR7030+ covers 10 kHz to 30 MHz. ...
其中的5000+3和7030PLUS二款接收机收录在去年的WRIH出版物中,因其性能出众而获得很多称赞,尽管其在人机工程学方面还有改进余地。它们的总体性价比和功能方面有可能不及一些其它品牌的接收机,这一点也是值得考虑的。今年我们决定评估AOR的手持机旗舰:AR8200。由于在任何场合下,它都是Yupiteru MVT9000机(现在已升...
其中,5000+3和7030PLUS两款机型曾在去年的WRIH出版物中亮相,凭借卓越性能赢得了众多赞誉,尽管在人机工程学方面仍有提升空间。然而,它们在总体性价比和功能方面或许不及某些其他品牌接收机,这一点值得消费者综合考量。今年,我们将目光投向了AOR的手持机旗舰——AR8200。这款接收机在各种场合下,都将成为Yupiteru ...
AR-DV10 A new standard for hand-held receivers ! 100kHz - 1300MHz Analog & Digital modes TETRA, DMR, NXDN, dPMR, APCO25, D-STAR, Yaesu C4FM, Alinco EJ47U and Digital CR. Digital modes auto-detect Optional COSPAS-SARSAT beacon decoder Record I/Q on SD, playback with SDR# on PC...
AR5700D A HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVER FOR COMMERCIAL AND GOVERNMENTAL APPLICATIONS 9kHz - 3.7GHz Super Wideband Coverage TETRA, DMR, NXDN, D-STAR, dPMR, APCO 25, YAESU, ALINCO, D-CR Trunked Tetra GSSI group filtering (fitted as standard) Quality Made in Japan! Now controllable via...
The AR5700D receiver, capable of receiving signals up to 3.7GHz, opens a gateway to explore signals and data beyond the usual spectrum. For those curious about what lies above 1GHz, here's a practical and exciting project: decoding CLASSIC AERO standard signals in the 1.5GHz L-band. These...