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Co-Editor has the last wordJoann George
Mark Brigham, new Co-Editor, Canadian Journal of ZoologyBruce Dancik
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Der Manuelian, Peter (Editor) 30-second Ancient Egypt Ivy Press, 2014, pp160, 14.99 [pounds sterling] 978 1 78240 132 2 With its plain brown cover this is clearly not your usual Ancient Egyptian reference book, but it does exactly what it promises: explainin...
Rhys Jenkins, editor Industry and Environment in Latin America London and New York: Routledge, 2000, 272 pp. There has been no shortage of books dealing with the theme of industry and environment in the Third World. As early as the 1980s, Pearson's Mul...
" Aone电子竞技联盟"公众号 Aone电子竞技联盟Aone_cctv 广告 135编辑器 高效&美观 135编辑器是一款简单易上手的内容创作与图文排版工具。 3~5分钟实现图文排版,提供从内容创作到内容美化到内容分发的一站式图文排版服务平台; 提供原创正版海量素材内容,为个人商用/企业商用版权提供保障; ...
Victor Oguejiofor Okafor (editor). Nigeria's Stumbling Democracy and its Implications for Africa's Democratic Movement. Westport, CT: Praeger Security International, 2008. xvi, 190 pp. In light of the 2011 elections in Nigeria, this is a timely publication. The ...
Cheng, C. (Editor), Rogers, G. (Illustrator), (2009). 60 Classic Australian poems. Random House Australia, North Sydney [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] English textbooks designed for use in the classroom tend towards an emphasis on the more formal aspects of ...