In addition, instead of utilizing multiplexer logic, the proposed structure makes use of AND-OR-Invert (AOI) and OR-AND-Invert (OAI) compound gates for the skip logic. The structure may be realized with both fixed stage size and variable stage size styles, wherein the latter further ...
In our Research Work, we would like to focus on Design Development of Nanoelectronic AOI OAI Devices based on CMOS and QCA (Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata) Nanotechnology as Building Blocks for constructing more complex Circuits/Devices, defining Finite-State-Machines and Binary Decision Trees for ...
In this letter, we present a two-stage rail-to-rail fully synthesizable dynamic voltage comparator. To improve the speed and mismatch performance of the NAND&NOR-based synthesizable comparator, we have proposed to replace these logics with OAI&AOI logic gates, respectively. The comparator is ...
In this letter, we present a two-stage rail-to-rail fully synthesizable dynamic voltage comparator. To improve the speed and mismatch performance of the NAND&NOR-based synthesizable comparator, we have proposed to replace these logics with OAI&AOI logic gates, respectively. The comparator is ...