AOCS Tb 1a-64-2009 INDUSTRIAL OILS AND DERIVATIVESAOCS Official Method Tb 1a-64Reapproved 2009Moisture and Volatile Matter Fatty Acids Hot Plate MethodDEFINITIONThis method determines the moisture and any other volatile under the conditions of the test.SCOPEApplicable to most fatty acids. It is not...
AOCS Te 1a-64-2009 Page 1 of 1 INDUSTRIAL OILS AND DERIVATIVES APPARATUS 1. Erlenmeyer flask—500 mL.REAGENTS 1. Sodium hydroxide solution, 0.5 M—accurately standardized. See AOCS Specification H 12-52. 2. Ethyl alcohol—95%, SDA Formula 30 and 3A are permitted. Add a few drops of...
1a-64-2017、脂肪酸碘值AOCSTg 1a-64-2017、不皂化物AOCS Tk 1a-64-2017、凝固点AOCS Tr 1a-64-...