AOA印度公司组织章程英文版.docx,AQA^P度公司组织 章程英文版 2020年4月19日 (THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956) (COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES) A R T I C L E S O F A S S O C I A T I O N OF CMST INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED PRELIMINERY Subject as hereinafter provided the Regulati
It's worth noting that while AOA is often associated with the Angle of Attack in aviation, which measures the angle between a wing's chord and airflow, the company's focus lies primarily in the realm of design and urban development, not air dynamics....
内容提示: AOA -印度公司 组织章程英文版 1 (THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956) (COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES) A R T I C L E S O F A S S O C I A T I O N OF CMST INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED PRELIMINERY 1. Subject as hereinafter provided the Regulations contained in Table ' A' in the First ...
AOA is a legal document which defines the rules and regulations of the company formulated for its internal administration and day to day management. In this context, the Articles of Association specifies the rights, responsibilities, powers and duties of the members and directors of the company, ...
(b) "Office" means the Registered Office of the Company.(c) "Act" means the Companies Act, 1956, and any statutory modification thereof.(d) "Seal" means the Common Seal of the Company.(e) "Directors" means the Directors of the Company and includes persons occupying the position of the...
refusetoregisterthetransferofanysharestoanyperson, whomitshall,intheiropinion,beundesirableintheinterestoftheCompanyto admittomembership. 15.Atthedeathofanymembershisorhersharesberecognisedasthepropertyofhis orherheirsuponproductionofreasonableevidenceasmayrequiredbytheBoard ofDirectors. 16.Theinstrumentof...
Recommended by the editor of PC Magazine Your dvd ripper has all the configurability I need (AVI output, PAL, resolution height/width, chapter selectable, filename choice etc), quality output.. Aug 20th, 2005 AoA DVD COPY won Tucows' 5 Cow Software Award. More Testimonials iPod/iPhone ...
of the Company. “clear days” in relation to the period of a notice, that period excluding the day when the notice is given or deemed to be given and the day for which it is given or on which it is to take effect. “clearing house” a clearing house recognized by the laws of ...
(PANIESACT,1956)(COMPANYLIMITEDBYSHARES)ARTICLESOFASSOCIATIONOFCMSTINDIAPRIVATELIMITEDPRELIMINERY1. SubjectashereinafterprovidedtheRegulationscontainedinTable'A'paniesAct,. (1) IntheseRegulations:- (a) "Company"meansCMSTINDIAPRIVATELIMITED (b) "Office"pany. (c) "Act"paniesAct,1956,andanystatutorymodifica...