(b.wait_time, 0))/1000000 wtFROM DBA_HIST_MUTEX_SLEEP b , DBA_HIST_MUTEX_SLEEP eWHERE b.snap_id(+) = &bid AND e.snap_id = &eid AND b.dbid(+) = e.dbid AND b.instance_number(+) = e.instance_number AND b.mutex_type(+) = e.mutex_type AND b.location(+) = e.location...
The digital section database is developed by means of digital cross section survey. Taking the free hand field maps as the base maps, and on the basis of full geological reconnaissance, we selected sections with complete outcrops and recorded information regarding lithology, sample, attitude, photo...
Linking of CoI to titanium samples CoI (Atelocollagen: Atelo Cell® IPC-30, KOKEN, Japan) with a monomer length of 300 nm was fabricated to tita- nium oxide (TiO2) and TNT by means of electrophoretic fusion (EPF) and phosphonic acid (PA)-based chemical linking (CL). ...
Linking of CoI to titanium samples CoI (Atelocollagen: Atelo Cell® IPC-30, KOKEN, Japan) with a monomer length of 300 nm was fabricated to tita- nium oxide (TiO2) and TNT by means of electrophoretic fusion (EPF) and phosphonic acid (PA)-based chemical linking (CL). ...
WO3 feed, by means of a 1:1 ratio of sodium carbonate and sodium silicate. Fluorite is the most problematic mineral in flotation with fatty acids and, consequently, new fatty-acids-based collector formulations have been developed to improve the separation contrast between scheelite and fluorite, ...
Values expressed are means ± S.D. of three parallel measurements. Table 2. DPPH and ABTS antioxidant activities of compounds 9, 10a, 10b, and 10c, and positive controls (ascorbic acid and measurements. Compound α-tocopherol)D. VPPalHues expressed IC50 (mg/mL) are meaAnsBT±SS.D. IC50...
The M11 Plus adopts a totally new internal layout and a modular circuit design. Each module of the circuit has its own shielding cover, which also means that the digital and analog portions are totally separated. This ensures that these parts do not interfere with each other and ultimately res...
INTERBUS-ST analog output module, D/A resolution 13-bit, 4 outputs, -10 V to +10 V, consisting of: Terminal part with screw connection and module electronicsProduct detailsExpand all Product description Technical data Commercial data Downloads Environmental product compliance...
- In the event of failure or malfunction, the electronics of the module can be easily replaced. The passive termination block remains mounted on the rail. This means that the replacement process can be carried out in a just a few seconds and without the need for tools. ...