再次对上颈椎骨折的分型进行了推广使用,发表了“Update on Upper Cervical Injury Classifications: The New AO Upper Cervical Spine Classification System(AO Spine UCCS)”(上颈椎损伤分类更新:新的AO上颈椎分类系统)等多篇论文,在《Clin Spine Surg》...
原文出处:Vaccaro AR1, Oner C, Kepler CK, Dvorak M, Schnake K, Bellabarba C, Reinhold M, Aarabi B, Kandziora F, Chapman J, Shanmuganathan R, Fehlings M, Vialle L; AOSpine Spinal Cord Injury & Trauma Knowledge Forum.AOSpine thoracolumbar spine injury...
上颈椎损伤分类系统强调了AO Spine的AO骨折分型的重要的统一原则及分型理念,并使用了广为流行的AO Spine下颈椎(subaxial cervical )和胸腰椎( thoracolumbar spine)损伤分类相同的术语,是一个简明而全面的系统。因此,AO Spine上颈椎损伤分类系统能被广大医生所认知,便于交流使用,能够评判损伤程度,对治疗和预后起到指...
胸腰椎骨折是急性脊柱创伤中最常见的情况,准确评估创伤严重程度对制定治疗方案非常重要。2005年脊柱创伤组织(SpineTraumaGroup)提出了胸腰椎创伤分类和严重评分(thoracolumbar injury classification and severity score, TLICS)用于治疗前评估。2016年Kepler等提出AOSpine胸腰椎损伤评分(TLAOSIS)用于指导医生是否行手术治疗。本...
托马斯杰斐逊大学Vaccaro教授主导的国外脊柱损伤研究小组于2005年制定了一套身材腰椎脊柱脊髓损伤程度的评分系统(Thoracolumbar injury classification and severity score ,TLICS),并发表在Spine杂志。 Alexander R. Vaccaro Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia ...
Spine脊柱 A- A+ 一、原始TLICS评分(PMID: 16227897)托马斯杰斐逊大学Vaccaro教授主导的美国脊柱损伤研究小组于2005年制定了一套胸腰椎脊柱脊髓损伤程度的评分系统(Thoracolumbar injury classification and severity score ,TLICS),并发表在Spine杂志。Alexander R. Vaccaro Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia该评分...
S. Rajasekaran, L. Vialle, M. Fehlings, G. D. Schroeder, M. Reinhold, K. Schnake, C. Bellabarba and C. Oner (2015). “Reliability Analysis of the AOSpine thoracolumbar Spine Injury Classification System by aWorldwide Group of Naïve Spinal Surgeouns.” European Spine Journal. (in ...
: AOSpine thoracolumbar spine injury classification system : fracture description, neurological status, and key modifiers. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 38 : 2028-2037, 2013Vaccaro AR, Oner C, Kepler CK, Dvorak M, Schnake K, Bel- labarba C, Reinhold M, Aarabi B, Kandziora F, Chapman J, ...
AOSpineSubaxialCervicalSpineTraumaInjuryClassificationPurposeThis project describes a morphology-based subaxial cervical spine traumatic injury classification system. Using the same approach as the thoracolumbar system, the goal was to develop a comprehensive yet simple classification system with high intra- ...
Kepler CK, Koerner JD, Oner FC, Dvorak MF, Vialle LR, Aarabi B, Bellabarba C, Fehlings MG, Schnake KJ, Kandziora F (2015) Establishing the injury severity of thoracolumbar trauma: confirmation of the hierarchical struc- ture of the AOSpine Thoracolumbar Spine Injury Classification System....