再次对上颈椎骨折的分型进行了推广使用,发表了“Update on Upper Cervical Injury Classifications: The New AO Upper Cervical Spine Classification System(AO Spine UCCS)”(上颈椎损伤分类更新:新的AO上颈椎分类系统)等多篇论文,在《Clin Spine Surg》...
再次对上颈椎骨折的分型进行了推广使用,发表了“Update on Upper Cervical Injury Classifications: The New AO Upper Cervical Spine Classification System(AO Spine UCCS)”(上颈椎损伤分类更新:新的AO上颈椎分类系统)等多篇论文,在《Clin Spine Surg》 、《Spine J 》、《Spine (Phila Pa 1976)》、《Injury》...
参考文献 1.UpdateonUpperCervicalInjuryClassifications:TheNewAOUpperCervicalSpineClassificationSystem.VaccaroAR,etal.ClinSpineSurg.2022.PMID:342321562.AOspineuppercervicalinjuryclassificationsystem:adescriptionandreliabilitystudy.VaccaroAR,etal.SpineJ.2022.PMID:359648...
参考文献 1.UpdateonUpperCervicalInjuryClassifications:TheNewAOUpperCervicalSpineClassificationSystem.VaccaroAR,etal.ClinSpineSurg.2022.PMID:342321562.AOspineuppercervicalinjuryclassificationsystem:adescriptionandreliabilitystudy.VaccaroAR,etal.SpineJ.2022.PMID:35964830 3.GlobalValidationofthe AO Spine Upper...
AO Spine制定了胸腰椎损伤神经功能评估方法,帮助脊柱外科医生准确评估患者情况。 1、评估标准 通常采用ASIA(American Spinal Injury Association,美国脊髓损伤协会)发布的ISNCSCI (International Standards for the Neurologic Classification of Spinal Cord Injury,脊髓损伤神经功能分级国际标准)标准。
AOSpine subaxial cervical spine injury classification system. Eur Spine J 2016;25:2173-84.Vaccaro AR, Koerner JD, Radcliff KE, Oner FC, Reinhold M, Schnake KJet al. AOS- pine subaxial cervical spine injury classification system. European spine journal : official publication of the Eur Spine...
R. et al. AOSpine subaxial cervical spine injury classification system. Eur Spine J 25, 2173-2184, doi:10.1007/s00586-015-3831-3 (2016).Vaccaro AR, Koerner JD, Radcliff KE, Oner FC, Reinhold M, Schnake KJet al. AOS- pine subaxial cervical spine injury classification system. European ...
10392 学科专业代码: 105109 学学 号: 6100103151 硕士学位论文 基于 C SLIC 评分及 e AOSpine 分型的下颈椎损伤术式选择及疗效分析 The Surgical Choice and Outcome of Lower Cervical Spine Injury based on SLIC and AOSpine Subaxial Cervical Spine Injury Classification System 学位类型: 临床医学硕士... ...
classification is based on injury location (occipital condyle and craniocervical junction, C1 ring and C1–2 joint, and C2 and C2–3 joint) and injury type (bony, tension band, ligamentous with translation). Permission to use this figure was granted by the AO Foundation©, AO Spine, ...
Results Ninety-eight patients younger than 18 years presented at our trauma centre with a spine fracture. Twelve patients were excluded due to isolated cervical fractures, eight were excluded because they presented with pathological frac- tures as a result of bone or oncologic diseases and 18 ...