Ao Haru Ride |237 hits ☰ Random Anime Share ▼ Story Yoshioka Futaba has a few reasons why she wants to "reset" her image & life as a new high school student. Because she's cute, she was ostracized by her female friends in junior high, and because of a misunderstanding, she couldn...
A short plot summary about the movie “Ao Haru Ride” would help many anime and manga fans decide whether they want to watch this show or not. Do you know what “Ao Haru Ride” is all about? Then feel free to add a description to our database using ourentry form. We’re looking ...
AO HARU RIDE 29.2(8,848) 2024 16+ 類型 浪漫, 劇情 演員 Natsuki Deguchi, Sakurai Kaito 您所在的區域不支援播放本影片 想在您的地區觀看嗎?讓我們知道! 影劇介紹 字幕翻譯團隊 網友評論 劇情介紹 吉岡雙葉( 出口夏希飾 )曾經在中學時期,與溫厚和善的同學田中洸( 櫻井海音飾 )墜入愛河,但隨著洸搬家至...
Ao Haru Ride: Created by Io Sakisaka. With Maaya Uchida, Yûki Kaji, Daisuke Hirakawa, Ai Kayano. Revolves around Futaba, a girl who was in love with a boy named Ko Tanaka in middle school. However, it did not work because he transferred but in high sc
又名闪烁的青春 Ao Haru Ride Aoharai...编剧 金春智子咲坂伊绪 主演 内田真礼梶裕贵茅野爱衣小松未可子大桥贤一郎 剧情 高一的双叶有一个从国中时代就一直忘不了的初恋对象「田中」。 因为国中时曾经被班上的女生排挤,双叶决定在高中伪装自己原本的样子。 但她却意外的再度见到和「田中」很像的男生,他...
Japanese Drama " Ao Haru Ride Season ! " is the adaption of the popular manga, which was also made into an anime series and a movie previously.First of all, whoever did the cast did a miraculously good job. The two main leads, especially Kou, look exactly like the manga characters, wh...
闪烁的青春,Ao Haru Ride,Aoharaido,Youth Ride,Blue Spring Ride 状态:已完结 主演:内田真礼/梶裕贵/茅野爱衣/小松未可子/大桥贤一郎/松冈祯丞/井上麻里奈/白石凉子/平川大辅 导演:吉村爱/宫下新平/铃木孝聪/绵田慎也/河村智之/高桥英俊/工藤利春 ...
Ao Haru Ride 8 серия [Озвучили: Jakie-O и Marie Bibika] / Неудержимаяюность 08 русскаяозвучка / Дорогаюности - 8 [vk] HD 24 人观看 24:40 Nisekoi 20 серия END [Озвучили: ArmorDRX & Marie...
полётвбездну 返回主页 历史消息动态搜索公告板动态 полётвбездну 2月3日 19:18 Anime : Ao Haru Ride 最新动态: ЛегендаогерояхГалактики / Legend of the.. Golden Boy, 1995 Death note, 2006 ...
Futaba Yoshiokais a character from the 动画Ao Haru Ride. They have been indexed as女性 青少年 with 棕色 eyes and 棕色 hair that is 齐肩 length. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别女性 眼睛的颜色棕色 头发颜色棕色 头发长度齐肩 Apparent Age青少年 猫耳No ...