Hip fractureClassificationInter-observerIntra-observerIntroduction: Hip fractures are a global health burden, with an incidence that is projected to increase from 66,000/year currently in the United Kingdom to 100,000/year by 2033. The classification of intertrochanteric fractures is key to the ...
This study compares the reproducibility of two classifications for trochanteric femur fractures: the Jensen classification and the AO/ASIF classification. Furthermore we evaluated the agreement on fracture stability, choice of osteosynthesis, fracture reduction and the accuracy of implant positioning. In ...
【Keywords】 Distalfemur Proximaltibia Comminutedfractures Less invasive stabilizat ion system s 膝关节周围骨折, 即股骨远端与胫骨近端骨折, 由 于此类骨折位于干骺端, 邻近关节面, 且多为粉碎性, 临床治疗较为棘手, 是创伤骨科的一大难点 [ 1, 2 ] ...
We treated 35 trochanteric fractures of the femur using Proximal Femoral Nails (PFNs) in 5 men and 30 women with a mean age of 84.1 years (range from 65 to 97 years). According to AO classification, they were classified into 31-A1 (20 cases), 31-A2 (10 cases) and 31-A3 (5 cases...
Materials and Methods: Between August 2009 and December 2014, a total of 139 patients-older than 65 years of age with AO/OTA classification of 31-A2 unstable intertrochanteric femur fracture�Cwho has been followed-up for at least 1 year after the treatment with internal fixation by using ...
classification,6caseswereclassifiedastypeAextra2articularfractureand17casesastypeCintra2articularfracture. TheX2rayfilmsbeforeoperationshowedcomminutedfractureoffemoralintercondylesandfemoralsupracondyles.All casesreceivedscientificandrationalrehabilitativetreatmentpost2operatively.Results Thepostoperativefollow2up ...
Key words:less invasive stabilization system(LISS); fracture;proximal tibia;internal fixation 胫骨近端骨折多由高能量损伤引起,治疗较为困难,用钢板、 髓内钉、外固定架固定均存在一定缺陷。AO 微创内固定系统(less invasive stabilization system,LISS)为胫骨近端骨折的治疗提供 了良好选择,是基于微创外科的原则,...
【Key Words】 Femur;Fracture fixation;Internal▲ 我们选用AO股骨髁支持钢板为内固定物治疗此类骨折,骨折复位满意,关节面平整,且内固定坚强,可早期功能锻炼,疗效满意。报告如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料:自1996年1月~1998年10月收治26例C型股骨髁部骨折病例,男19例,女7例;年龄21~68岁,平均46.2岁。其中...
Furthermore, none of them has been associated with the sequence of the surgical options or approach [15]. The AO/OTA fracture and dislocation classification was published in 2018 [16]. All our central hip dislocations were classified as AO/OTA 62B and 62C. This classification illustrates the...