By 1920, the Government had agreed to designate April 25th as a national day of commemoration for the Australians who died during the great war and by 1922, it was a full public holiday with all businesses closing as a mark of respect. 1927 was the first year in which all the States ob...
In 1921, the state of Queensland passed the ANZAC Day Act which made the commemoration a public or closed holiday. On Anzac Day, there are ceremonies and marches in both Australia and New Zealand, known as ‘Dawn Marches’. Paper poppies are often distributed on the day as a symbol of re...
这周一我就经历了一次最最繁忙的public holiday。 还在纳闷,一般私人咖啡店是不会安排公共假日上班的,因为你的薪水都是double pay,在这一天上班,老板要不就是不怎么赚,要不就是亏,只有麦当劳,肯德德这种会赚的盆满钵满,或者就是超市这类必需品的店。 不过来上班了才发现,原来ANZAC DAY的游行队伍会从我们店门口...
This is, arguably, the most important day of the year in Australia. It has moved beyond a simple act of remembrance and public holiday to become a symbol of the nation in the same way that July 4 is in the United States. It is a de facto national day, a time to rally round the...