● photos, pictures:seeimages ●poppy making ●posters ●quizzes: online(Anzac) ●quizzes: print(Anzac) ●referencing ●Remembrance Day ●Remembrance Day origin ●reports from Gallipoli ●research ●scavenger hunt ●shipwrecks ●significance
澳新军团日Anzac Day游行, 时间、地点、路线,这里看啦! 澳新军团日 ANZAC Day,又称“澳新军团日”,是纪念1915年的4月25日,在加里波利之战(Battle of Gallipoli)牺牲的澳大利亚和新西兰军团(简称澳新军团)将士的日子。 加里波利之战?? 加里波利之战(Battle of Gallipoli),是第一次世界大战中土耳其加里波利(Gelibol...
If you have another sixty-three minutes to fill in (after seeing theSchool Days exhibition), there’s another interesting free feature on show until 26 July 2015 down at ACMI in Fed Square. It’s calledWar Pictures: Australians at the Cinema 1914-1910and it aims to replicate the experience...