Nothing new this year. I did a little sewing, lots more reading and watched tons of series on my iPad through Netflix and Amazon. Watching iPad and reading before bed is my new favorite relaxation at night. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year? Facebook…...
So I’ve been watching movies of late. Netflix has dropped a whole bunch of (shudder) Hallmark style holiday romcoms and I(god I don’t believe I’m admitting this. I’m never going to live this down, am I?)have watched pretty much all of them. I could probably come up with a ...
After many a week of hosting a variety of guests, an equal number of weeks spent procrastinating and a month of watching all of the World Cup matches, I have finally returned to the blogosphere to regale you all about the three weeks my Mom spent visiting me here in Korea! In this time...
how his life had changed since the last time he was away from the sport. The timing was perfect. Two days after he stepped down from the Saints, "Home Team," a scripted movie about Payton coaching his son Connor's youth football team during his suspension year, debuted on Net...
Mostly, time passes, life plods along, and before I know it another month has gone by without note. Watching content has taken a huge chunk of my time. I’ve watched a lot of Netflix, lots of YouTube. I have some DVDs I’ve wanted to watch but no way to play them. I’m tryin...
I was watching a video where the man washed his dishes and placed them directly on the drying rack. Naturally, I assumed he’d rinse them afterward, only to realise, by the end of the video, that this was not …Continue reading
instead it gives him the respect he deserves as a person. In a time when America was collapsing in on itself, and people were questioning the very structures of the country,Dog Day Afternoonreflected that, and that is why this story was worth telling, and telling correctly....
It can be difficult for people with social anxieties, as with any display of feeling and emotion, especially when the person on the receiving end is new or unfamiliar to them. You may feel vulnerable and scared at the time, but you will feel great afterward! [Read: Low self worth and...
After all, going through nine months of physical and emotional stress, being made more vulnerable and more dependant on others to help with certain tasks is hardly worth it if the man that brought about this state isn’t going to hang about. It sends a terribly clear message to the mother...
Netflix is cracking down on VPNs, but there are some that still work. Here are the best VPNs to use with Netflix.