Another notable landmark is the Lingsar Temple, a sacred site that serves as a symbol of unity between Hindus and Muslims. This unique temple showcases a harmonious blend of both religions and offers a serene atmosphere for spiritual contemplation. For those interested in history and culture, ...
We don’t know who first discovered a way to measure time. It was probably the Hindus, the Greeks, or the Egyptians. We do know, however, that more than 7, 000 years ago the Hindus looked at the sky and measured time by looking at the position of the sta
The body of Christ seems divided and in disarray now more than ever. The issues we see everywhere today, can be seen back in the early church where the Apostle Paul, more than anyone fought for the unity of the Church and the integrity of Christ’s atoning work. The Letters of Paul t...
smelling, seeing, touching and tasting. However, there are experiences beyond the senses and these can be found only in silence both outward and inward. You have to make your surroundings and environment around you silent. In modern-day India, for example, we collectively detest silence...