fromPort:80,toPort:80,cidrBlocks:[""]}],});for(leti=0;i<3;i++){newaws.ec2.Instance(`web-${i}`,{ami:"ami-7172b611",instanceType:"t2.micro",vpcSecurityGroupIds:[],userData:`#!/bin/bashecho "Hello, World!" > index.htmlnohup python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 &`...
simple-ipc.h simple-ipc: split async server initialization and running Oct 9, 2024 sparse-index.c global: mark code units that generate warnings with -Wsign-compare Dec 6, 2024 sparse-index.h sparse-checkout: disable advice in 'disable' Sep 24, 2024 ...
I've made a simple Python script that can help finding the original filename, and link it to the Adobe ID. Basically you just need to download the Dashboard html page for the pictures you're interested in and run the script to recover th...
The computational time required to execute the model for a simple case is on the order of one millisecond when the tabular interpolation methods of CoolProp are applied. Source code for the algorithm is provided in the Python programming language as an appendix....
However, when comparing labels and documents in zero-shot classification, the brevity of labels makes this simple-minded representation and the resulting similarity measure unreliable. For example, a document talking about “sports” does not necessarily contain the word “sports.” Consequently, other...
Simple (and stupid) converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text: Another python tool to aid in converting files using UNO: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Versi...
Simple Node.jsXX PHPLaravelXX Simple PHPXX PythonDjangoXX BottleXX FlaskXXX Let’s explore how to create a new DevOps Project on the Azure portal by creating a pair of applications. I recommend that you get started with Azure DevOps Projects and follow along using your own Azur...
InstallNode.jsorPythonTools or Visual Studio “15” Preview and the Node.js runtime. Right-click any JavaScript file in the Solution Explorer, and then click “Set as Startup Item.” Press F5*. * For Python, there is an additional step. Click the debug dropdown, and then select “Cust...
A simple powershell script question A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated about_ActiveDirectory_Filter Absolute Newbie Scripting Question Accepting single quote character in powershell script arguement Acces denied export Start Layout Access denied error when execu...
The second category of use cases are simple HTTP(s) request/response manipulations that can be executed by very short-lived functions. For these use cases, you need a flexible programming experience with the performance, scale, and cost-effectiveness that enable you to execu...