My knowledge of vocabulary plus some good grammatical guesswork and a little luck got me through Miss Leslie’s class with a low D. Some of the other students seemed to be enjoying my lameness in Latin, after my being the overpraised and preening star of the class for the first three ...
Theghazalspread into South Asia in the 12th century due to the influence of Sufi mystics and the courts of the new Islamic Sultanate. Although theghazalis most prominently a form of Dari poetry and Urdu poetry, today it is found in the poetry of many languages of the Indian sub-continent....
And yet, not many people are aware of this that Raja Mehdi Ali Khan delved in funny, humorous and satirical Urdu poetry. As an example, I am giving you his nazm: Adib Ki Mehbooba. It is really very humorous. He has used thetakhallus (pen names or non de plume)of various poets and...
That night when I went to sleep, I learnt the full meaning of the (gunnery?) expression: to killtwo birdswith one stone. I gave a silent 21 gun salute to the Gunners in my dreams for having saved my life that evening. Congratulations; so youarein love. It is the best feeling on e...