1.worked or produced by devices built or made according to the principles of electronics.an electronic calculator.electrónico 2.concerned or working with such machines.an electronic engineer.electrónico ˌelectronic ˈmailnoun (alsoe-mail, ~email) the system of sending messages by computer; the...
A. Chernyshev and M. Zhitomirsky, Quantum Selection of Order in an XXZ Antiferro- magnet on a Kagome Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 237202 (2014).A. L. Chernyshev and M. E. Zhitomirsky. Quantum selection of order in an xxz antiferromagnet on a kagome lattice. Phys. Rev. Lett....
转发微博【转发】@若梦苏醒丨DREAM:苏醒超话 #苏醒新歌老东西# 240916大连LMF音乐节 苏醒《我可以假装很好》fo新歌上线前,分享一个上周末的音质超好的音乐节舞台~@苏醒AllenSu @裂哥Splitman L若梦...
Selection of the ground state of the kagom\'e-lattice $XXZ$ antiferromagnet by quantum fluctuations is investigated by combining non-linear spin-wave and real-space perturbation theories. The two methods unanimously favor ${\bf q}=0$ over $\sqrt{3}\times
摘要: Using our solution for the open spin-1/2 XXZ quantum spin chain with N spins and two arbitrary boundary parameters at roots of unity, the central charge and the conformal dimensions for bulk hole excitations are derived from the 1/N correction to the energy (Casimir energy)....
Take off his clothes to wear for a day, who see the naked body of flooding their proud, the naked men think that I am not as pretty as Albania, and why I had a full day Hunbushoushe, it is a take off their clothes smell, it Musk rich men, a look at the forefront of an unde...
Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform, which aims to realize the potential, empower the research, and create the value of AI technologies in quantitative investment. It contains the full ML pipeline of data processing, model training, back-testing; and covers the entire chain of...
Ground state entanglement and thermal entanglement of a two-qubit Heisenberg XXZ chain in the presence of the different Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interaction and inhomogeneous magnetic field are investigated.By the concept of concurrence,we find that the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field may make entangle...
Royka64J2NurniXWUvioM1LR20oZ9wZzzxxPUOVbKRnYRFrRq9sJLc9Z5ftrjJyW6qWxVKvX7/lA l8L5azIstIzyLHY/YRBdvGDCZBjUm6k0JckpMAYW5GSSBUPnwETuQ6ok6kSqpRu5wykFWoeEQTFR ZmHMYsKqR1nAfB8gAfWAFFEyCNhF4uMoJUHguSIPWTYck4FElz11fpVLHRFQu8omEOuAq0ktI5Rr T0DPxKU0ziQVICsBpc00NNKtzlFezmZwwfdlO1aTQfBlmUj...