discontinued drugsmechanism of actionprospective new drugserotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitorselective-serotonin reuptake inhibitorDefinitionDefinitionAnxiolytic medications are used to treat anxiety symptoms. The most common categories involve SSRIS, serotonin agonists, and benzodiazepines. Other ...
Anxiolytics refers to the medications that reduce the symptoms of anxiety. Anxiolytics are prescription drugs used to treat and prevent anxiety disorders
Drugs used to treat anxiety have many negative side effects including addiction, depression, suicide, seizures, sexual dysfunction, headaches and more. Anxiolytic medications do not restore normal levels of neurotransmitters but instead manipulate the brain chemistry. For example, selective serotonin reuptak...
Related to anxiolytic:anxiolytic drugs anx·i·o·lyt·ic (ăng′zē-ō-lĭt′ĭk, -sē-, ăngk′sē-) adj. Preventing or reducing anxiety; antianxiety. n. An antianxiety medication; a tranquilizer. [anxi(ety)+-lytic.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth...
作者: T Okuyama 摘要: Antianxiety drug; Minor tranquilizer Anxiolytics can be defined as a drug used to treat anxiety. In current medicine, however, anxiety is treated using a variety of drugs including antidepressants,... DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-1005-9_373 收藏...
Anxiolytics are a form of medication used to treat and prevent anxiety in those that suffer from anxiety disorders. These drugs are only meant for short term use as they work quickly bu form habits. Answer and Explanation: Learn mo...
Anxiolytics (synonym, tranquillizers) are antianxiety drugs that are used in the pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders. Anxiety is rather untypical for psychiatric disorders in that it may occur as both a normal emotional and a pathological...
Synonyms Antianxiety drugs ; Anxiety-reducing drugs ; Minor tranquillizers Definition Anxiolytics are drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of anxiety. Benzodiazepines are the most widely used class of drugs for treating anxiety states. Recently, drugs that act on 5-HT 1A recept...
Anxiolytics are also known as minor tranquilizers and are prescribed to treat and prevent symptoms of anxiety or for the management of anxiety disorders. The term tranquilizer is no longer popular; the term 'anxiolytics' is frequently used because they diminish the feelings of anxiety. Benzodiazepi...
(CH) in the mid-nineteenth century. Today, ASH drugs are ubiquitous and used for numerous indications by inducing anxiolysis and sedation that result in drowsiness or sleep. Overall, this drug group consists of benzodiazepine (e.g., diazepam) and benzodiazepine-like drugs (e.g., zolpidem), ...