SocialAnxietyScaleforChildren (LaGreca,Dandes,Wick,Shaw,Stone) 简介 作者把社交焦虑定义得非常广泛,不但包括了主观上的焦虑,而且包括了社交回避及害怕否定评价。 相应于这个定义,儿童社交焦虑量表的条目涉及社交焦虑所伴发的情感、认知及行为,在本文之后,所附上的量表为最新的10个条目版本。条目使用3级评分制。(0...
儿童社交焦虑量表(Social Anxiety Scale for Children,SASC) 请指出每句话对你的适用程度。0一一 从不是这样1—— 有时这样2—— 一直这样1.我害怕在别的孩子面前做没做过的事情。2.我担心被人取笑。3. 我周围都是我不认识的小朋友时,我觉得害羞。4. 我和小伙伴一起时很少说话。5.我担心其它孩子会怎样看...
儿童社交焦虑量表(SASC)旨在评估儿童的社交焦虑程度。在评估时,需要对以下各条目进行评分,使用0至2的级别:0表示从不如此,1表示有时如此,2表示总是如此。1. 我害怕在他人面前尝试新事物。2. 我担心被人嘲笑。3. 当周围都是不认识的小朋友时,我感到害羞。4. 我和同伴交流时较少。5. 我担心...
Social Anxiety Scale for Children (La Greca,Dandes,Wick,Shaw,&Stone) 作者把社交焦虑定义得非常广泛,不但包括了主观上的焦虑,而且包括了社交回避及害怕否定评价。 相应于这个定义,儿童社交焦虑量表的条目涉及社交焦虑所伴发的情感、认知及行为,在本文之后,所附上的量表为最新的10个条目版本。条目使用3级评分制。
2) children's anxiety scale 儿童焦虑量表 例句>> 3) Children Manifest Anxiety Scale 儿童外显焦虑量表 4) Test Anxiety Scale for Children 儿童考试焦虑量表 5) Putonghua-speaking children 普通话儿童 1. Phonological acquisition ofPutonghua-speaking childrenrefers to the process whichPutonghua-speaking childr...
A psychometric assessment of the Icelandic version of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC) was undertaken among Icelandic schoolchildren, between 10 and 15 years of age. In a first study 625 children between 10 and 15 years of age filled in the MASC. A confirmatory factor ...
which assesses the parent’s perception of their child’s anxiety symptoms. The inclusion of a parent version allows for a multi-informant approach to assessing child anxiety, recognizing that children may not always be aware of or able to articulate their anxiety symptoms. The scale has been su...
doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.4812695FreemanRBritish dental journalBuchanan H, Dent J. A dental anxiety scale for children. British dental Journal. 2005; (199): 359-362.
Three new childhood anxiety scales have comparable reliability and validity to traditional diagnostic scalesdiagnostic testsExamines whether three childhood anxiety scales, namely, Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC), Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) and Spence ...
School Anxiety Scale (SAS) was developed by the British psychotherapist Beeman N. Phillips in 1978 and is still actively used to determine the general level of school anxiety, as well as to study the degree of a child's experiences associated with different areas of school life. ...