The Anxiety Scale for Autism-Adults (ASA-A) captures the autistic anxiety experience, but we do not know whether it is structurally equivalent for men and women, or non-autistic people. Measurement invariance analysis considered gender and diagnostic status (342 cis-gender autistic men (N=105) ...
Research into the causes of psychopathology has largely focused on two broad etiologic factors: genetic vulnerability and environmental stressors. An important role for familial/heritable factors in the etiology of a broad range of psychiatric disorders
Based on the Anxiety Scale for Autism-Adults (ASA-A) scores (see Section 2.3), nine participants were classified as having anxiety at a level that significantly impacts on their life. At the time of the interview, nine participants were currently unemployed, with seven of these actively ...
After collecting the users’ demographics and consent concerning the use of their anonymised responses for research purposes, the anxiety induction procedure was carried out; subsequently, users’ anxiety was measured through the STAI: Y-6 scale. This was followed by the experimental condition: Partici...
2.2.2. Social Anxiety The Social Anxiety Scale (SAS; [29]) was employed to assess social anxiety. This questionnaire is suitable for children aged 8 and older. It consists of 36 items, each followed by two options: one option indicating social anxiety the other indicating no social anxiety....