? General anxiety is negatively related to desire to exercise, exercise tolerance, and time spent exercising.doi:10.1016/j.paid.2011.08.025Nicole E. PughHeather D. HadjistavropoulosPersonality & Individual DifferencesPugh NE, Hadjistavropoulos HD (2011) Is anxiety about health associated with desire ...
We aimed to investigate the prevalence of anxiety, depression symptoms, the impairment of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and their correlates in patients with occupational hand eczema. Patients and methods. A test battery consisting of the German versions of the Hospital Anxiety and ...
Background: Adults with type 2 diabetes are at a greater probability of suffering from mental health issues, which could result in a substantial effect on their HRQoL (health-related quality of life). Thus, the focus of this research was to investigate the relationship between comorbid anxiety,...
Health-related Internet use has grown rapidly, yet little research has considered how health anxious individuals use the Internet for this purpose. Our aim was to examine the relationships between health anxiety and the extent of, reasons for, and consequences of health-related Internet usage in un...
Perceived anxiety control, reappraisal, and suppression did not mediate the relation between age and health anxiety. Conclusions: Anxiety sensitivity and intolerance of uncertainty are predisposing characteristics that appear to partially explain age-related differences in health anxiety. These constructs may...
Once these health-related beliefs were solidified, then the process of reinforcement began. Essentially, I would scan my environment and selectively attend to all the pieces of “evidence” that supported my belief system. I paid specialattentionto situations when one of our ...
If you’re living with chronic stress or symptoms of an anxiety disorder, you might also meet with a mental health professional to address these. For instance, a cognitive-behavioral therapist can help you learn to recognize and shift distorted thought patterns that may be contribut...
Learn ways to relax or deep breathing skills. If that is not enough for you, you can resort to taking medication for anxiety or seeking a mental health counselor.
health anxietypandemicsproblematic smartphone useHealth anxiety has been linked with fear and anxiety regarding COVID. Higher levels of health anxiety likely increased social distancing and self﹊solating during the pandemic. We investigated relations among health anxiety, fear of missing out (FOMO) on...
to months, it is also essential that health care professionals be able to perform to their full potential over an extended time interval. At the same time they cope with the societal shifts and emotional stressors faced by all people, health care professionals face greater risk of exposure, ...