1 焦虑自评量表 SAS 焦虑自评量表(Self-Rating Anxiety Scale SAS)由华裔教授 Zung 编制 1971 。 从量表构造的形式到具体评定的方法 都与抑郁自评量表(SDS)十分相似 是一种分析病人主观症状的相当简便的临床工具。适用于具有焦虑症状的成年人 具有广泛的应用性。国外研究认为 SAS 能够较好地反映有焦虑倾向的精神病...
Each item is scored on a scale of 0 (not present) to 4 (severe), with a total score range of 0-56, where <17 indicates mild severity, 18-24 mild to moderate severity and 25-30 moderate to severe. Open Hamilton Axiety Test by clicking the PDF....
焦虑自评量表(Self-Rating Anxiety Scale SAS)我觉得并平常容易紧 张和着急1234时间:2021.02. 071鞭爲物2我无缘无故地感到害 怕3我容易心里烦乱或觉 得惊恐4我觉得我可能将要发 疯5我觉得一切都不好, 会发生什么不幸6我手脚发抖打颤7我因为头痛、头颈痛和背痛而苦恼8我感觉容易衰弱和疲 乏9我觉得心烦,不能...
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Download: PDF (484 KB) HTML (1 KB) Export: BibTeX | EndNote (RIS) Abstract Objective To explore the applicability of Zung’s Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) in evaluating hospitalized patients in department of cardiovascular medicine. Methods We invest...
焦虑自评量表(Self-Rating Anxiety,SAS)
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L.TheArfwidssonTheL.TheArnTheJ.TheBeskowTheJ.-OTheOttossonTheG.ThePerssonTheWileyActa Psychiatrica ScandinavicaArfwidsson L, Am L, Beskow J, Ottosson J-O and Persson G. A rating scale for anxiety states. Acta Psychiat. Scand. 1971 Suppl. 221....