Shakespeare told us that all the world’s a stage, and we are merely players. Maybe we really are all in costume on and off the stage; if life’s one big performance, who, then are we? What are we doing here, and is anything we say or do authentic? Is anything real? These perva...
First, remember Halloween is about fun. No one really cares what you dress up as. Most people are more focused on showing off their own costume than what you are wearing. Since everyone is so focused on their own costumes and being spooky and silly, they are less likely to care whether ...
Steve came looking for help. I spied him in the hallway before clinic. That’s always a little awkward for some reason. Running into someone out of context. Like we both are caught out of costume and the curtain just pulled up. (Gotcha!) His strings pulled in, an inner tension, appare...
Step 2: Distract Yourself With Friends, and Beautiful Scenery. Okay now we're moving onto the big guns. Your anxiety isn't just a quick fix of the fingertips. Get out and socialize! Many anxious people want to stay inside, and wait out their anxiety, often believing that no one can he...
I will have at least six costume changes. Everyone else can wear what they want. But there will be a big dress-up box with wigs for your convenience I don’t know how any venue will be suitable because there will be at least one fight I hate people leaving suddenly all at once, it...
s happening for them on the inside. It’s also the way children practice staying safe and explore their own power. They can try things out and be whoever they want to be. Then, whenever they want to they can take off the costume, step out of character, and come back to the safety ...
One weekend two of my mom’s sisters (both of whom were avid seamstresses like her) were visiting and the three of them were in the TV room, most likely watching some BBC costume drama, and — surprise! surprise!— I was off down the hall sewing. I had run out of bobbin thread and...