1), predictors and moderators structural equation modeling (SEM) will be used. No interim analyses are planned. Additional analyses (e.g. examining subgroups) are not currently planned and thus will be exploratory. Access to the final de-identified trial dataset will be available to the study ...
Additionally, I-CBT eliminates the risk of disease transmission associated with face-to-face contact or treatment.68 It is crucial to incorporate mental health and wellbeing programs into occupational health and safety management practices.69 However, it is unfortunate that very few, if any, ...
Equation (“Nationally representative” OR “Probability-based sampling” OR “Population-based” OR “Epidemiologic” OR “Government-sponsored” OR “Federally-sponsored” OR “Surveillance”)AND(“US” OR “U.S.” OR “USA” OR “U.S.A.” OR “United States” OR “America*”)AND(“Anxi...
The latent change score specification is based on structural equation models for longitudinal data. A general path diagram for the model without interaction is depicted in Fig. 1, which is based on the model discussed by Valente and MacKinnon (2017) and the more general latent change models ...
The Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale—Parent version (SCAS-P) is often used to assess anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), ho
Wang Structural Equation Modeling: Applications Using Mplus Wiley, A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication, West Sussex, UK (2012) Google Scholar Cited by (30) Internet-based CBT for patients with depressive disorders in primary and psychiatric care: Is it effective and does comorbidity affect ...
As performance, anxiety, and cognitive processing are likely multiply determined, multivariate models such as structural equation modeling, path analytics, and latent classification analyses could help identify potential causal (vs. correlational) relationships, moderating and mediating variables, and magnitude...