Muris P, Schmidt H, Engelbrecht P, Perold M: DSM-IV-Defined Anxiety Disorder Symptoms in South African Children. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2002, 41(11):1360-1368.Muris P, Schmidt H, Engelbrecht P, Perold M (2002) DSM-IV-defined anxiety disorder symptoms in South African children...
To examine DSM-IV–defined anxiety disorder symptoms in a large sample of normal South African schoolchildren. Children completed two self-report questionnaires: the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS) and the 41-item version of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED)....
People with an anxiety disorder may also need treatment for other emotional problems. Depression has often been associated with anxiety, as has alcohol anddrug abuse. Recent research also suggests thatsuicideattempts are more frequent in people with an anxiety disorder. Fortunately, these problems asso...
Symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder can come and go across a person’s lifetime, but it is considered a long-term (chronic) disorder, and very few people will completely overcome their symptoms.1 3.7% of people suffer from generalized anxiety disorder worldwide.2 ...
The American Psychiatric Association's, DSMIIIR (1987), classifies the anxiety disorders as follows: overanxious disorder, separation anxiety disorder, avoidant disorder of childhood or adolesce... Page 1 of 6 Next > More on Anxiety Disorders... Loading......
Sometimes the feelings might worsen or improve over time.In addition to having feelings of worries and anxiety, other symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include edginess and restlessness, difficulty concentrating or feeling like the mind just goes blank, and irritability.These psychological symptoms...
Results revealed that the ADIS for DSM-IV: C/P is a reliable instrument for deriving DSM-IV anxiety disorder symptoms and diagnoses in children. The ADIS for DSM-IV: C/P was found to have excellent reliability in symptom scale scores for separation anxiety disorder, social phobia, specific ...
Separation anxiety disorder affects around 4% of children in the U.S and 7% of adults with severity being more in children than in adults. The fear of losing a person or a place where a relationship has been formed is one of the main symptoms of the disorder. The person may refuse to...
Social anxiety disorder, aka social phobia, is considered a phobic disorder - a type of anxiety disorder. Social anxiety becomes a disorder when the symptoms rise to the level that meets the diagnostic criteria outlined in the DSM-IV-TR. Part of this diagnosis means that the symptom...
Results showed that symptoms comprising DSM-IV's generalized anxiety disorder diagnosis vary relative to one another in the degree to which they contribute to the diagnosis, with certain symptoms having relatively higher diagnostic value than other symptoms. The relative value of symptoms also a...