Momentary alterations in bowel habit is not uncommon. We have all experienced loose stools, more or less frequent bowel movements or even diarrhea or constipation for a few days to a week or more. Sometimes this can be acute and due to clearly identifiable causes, like watery diarrhea due to...
Severe pain may also affect gastrointestinal activity and this can be explained in part by the mass reflex reaction of the spinal cord. In this instance, pain as a stimulus causes excitation of large portions, if not all, of the spinal cord and triggers the reflexes of the gastrointestinal s...
/ dI5dVest, daI-; dE`dVZst, daI-/ v 1 (a) [Tn] change (food) in the stomach and bowels so that it can be used by the body 消化(食物): Fish is easy to digest when you're ill. 生病时吃鱼容易消化. (b) [I] (of food) be changed in this way (指食物)被消化: It takes ...