Effects of Anxiety Sensitivity and Hearing Loss on Tinnitus Symptom Severity2,000, and 4,000 Hz. Hearing loss was considered present if subjects' pure-tone average exceeded 25 dB. We also graded the severity of participants' hearing loss as follows: mild (25- 40 dB), moderate (40-60 dB)...
Also, anxiety can cause people to become more irritable and sensitive in general. Hearing noises may simply cause the person to feel overwhelmed, as though they cannot control their thoughts or the world around them. Anyone that has started to feel like they're losing control with the world ...
The body'sstress responseis designed to boost energy and resources when we are in danger. However, the many physiological, psychological, and emotional changes that the stress response causes stress in the body. When the body is under stress, it can display varioussymptoms. So, when we talk ...
There has been documented a close association between hypertension and depression or anxiety, which are independent risk factors for hypertension [5]. Stress relief is therefore an ideal approach in the ongoing management of hypertension [6]. Psychotherapy for hypertensive patients with depression and/o...
Tendency to Catastrophize Somatic Sensations: Pain Catastrophizing and Anxiety Sensitivity in Predicting Headache General catastrophic thinking styles about uncomfortable bodily sensations may predispose the development of common health pathologies, such as persistent ... DN Drahovzal,SH Stewart,MJL Sullivan...
For women, differences in the phase of the menstrual cycle are believed to influence pain sensitivity. A meta-analysis of experimental pain showed that during the follicular phase of their menstrual cycle women show the greatest tolerance and highest pain threshold. Research suggests that certain ...
There are many causes of sensory overload and some underlying conditions that can make you more sensitive to sensory overload. However, there are many ways to manage this kind of sensitivity and prevent yourself from becoming overwhelmed.
Doing an elimination and then challenge? Can anyone eat wheat or should we all be gluten-free Dr. Tom O’Bryan is an internationally recognized speaker and workshop leader specializing in the complications of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease as they occur inside and outside of ...
a person who fears a panic attack in a public place, because it may lead to a heart attack and death may have learned this feared outcome from: simulating a possible negative outcome of death when feeling faint; hearing about a person who felt faint and then had a heart attack; observing...
seeing orhearingabout socially negative experiences of other people, or verbal warnings of possible social dangers and problems, may heighten the chance for social anxiety disorder. Long-term effects of being bullied, not fitting in, or being ignored or rejected may also be related. Children who ...