莫纳什大学前两天说,他们家的 Master of Social Work 因为名额有限,然而申请的人又比较多,所以决定要择优录取啦。 要求申请者必须要满足学术和语言直读条件才能考虑是否要给学生这个位置。 而经过我们的申请顾问老师和学校进一步确认后,指出这里的满足语言条件是指满足社工硕士专业的直读雅思要求。 如果社工要求雅思总分7...
密歇根大学 密歇根大学(University of Michigan,简称UM)在美国密歇根州有三个校园,分别是Ann Arbor 安娜堡、Dearborn和Flint 。主校区安娜堡于1817年建校,是美国历史最悠久的大学之一,在世界范围内享有盛誉。密大建校以来,在各学科领域中成就卓着并拥有巨大影响,多项调查 关于澳大利亚国立大学和密歇根大学大家怎么说 想要...
I feel there must be someone up there that has a master plan. Just like when you scold a child, the child may think you are cruel; but you have a plan and your intention is good. So too, God’s intention is good. You come to this life to experience what you have chosen to expe...
Operation Priboi Operation Jungle Occupation of the Baltic states Cursed soldiers Operation Unthinkable Operation Downfall Potsdam Conference Gouzenko Affair Division of Korea Indonesian National Revolution Operation Masterdom Operation Beleaguer Operation Blacklist Forty Iran crisis of 1946 Gree...
individual work have access to separate offices over five levels. Communal spaces, tea rooms, auditoriums and outdoor areas are distributed across the first two floors, designed to adapt to growth and changing demand as the RSSS continues to attract the best talent in the field of social scien...
•澳洲H2A荣誉学位 or equivalent ,比如本科+master学位(含有Research component) •语言成绩:雅思6.5/托福80 (如果在过去的4年里完成了2年的英语授课课程,可以豁免) 时间点:全年接受申请,如果计划2023年第1学期开学,需要2022年10月31号递交申请。 03费用 ...
✔ 澳洲H2A荣誉学位 or equivalent ,比如本科+master学位(含有Research component) ✔ 语言成绩:雅思6.5/托福80 (如果在过去的4年里完成了2年的英语授课课程,可以豁免) 03费用 学费:$44,470.00 奖学金比如: ANU PhD Scholarships:AU$28,092 per annum ...
Postgraduate research degrees include Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and professional doctorates.Eligibility To be eligible to be considered for admission to a postgraduate research degree at ANU, you must:a) Already hold, or be about to complete, an Australian Bachelor...