Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science | 考古学和进化科学硕士 Master of Art History and Curatorial Studies | 艺术史和策展研究硕士 Master of Arts - Arts Administration/ Master of Museum and Heritage Studies | 文学硕士-艺术管理硕士/博物馆和遗产研究硕士 Master of Classical Studies(Advanced) ...
数学硕士Master of Mathematical Sciences (Advanced) 神经科学硕士Master of Neuroscience 临床前科学硕士Master of Preclinical Science 专业心理学硕士Master of Professional Psychology 公共卫生硕士Master of Public Health 农业创新理学硕士Master of Science (Advanced) in Agricultural Innovation 天文学和天体物理学硕士Ma...
Master of Science (Advanced) in Agricultural Innovation | 农业创新理学硕士 Master of Science (Advanced) in Astronomy and Astrophysics | 天文学和天体物理学硕士 Master of Science (Advanced) in Biological Sciences | 生物科学硕士 Master of Science (Advanced) in Materials Science | 材料科学理学硕士 Mast...
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science | 考古学和进化科学硕士 Master of Art History and Curatorial Studies | 艺术史和策展研究硕士 Master of Arts - Arts Administration/ Master of Museum and Heritage Studies | 文学硕士...
Master of Political Science | 政治学硕士 Master of Social Research | 社会研究硕士 Master of Social Research Methods | 社会研究方法硕士 Master of Studies | 研究硕士 ANU College of Asia and Pacific 亚洲和太平洋研究学院 Executive Master of Public Administration | 公共行政硕士 Executive Master of ...
Nature & Science Institution benchmarking Nature Strategy Reports Identify research insights to guide research strategy and grow your impact with our Nature Strategy reports. Actionable insights into research performance. Detailed analysis of strengths and weaknesses. Covers all major ...
· Master of Communication 1年 1月、5月、9开课,要求本科相关背景(criminology, sociology, legal studies, psychology, humanities/arts or business studies) 语言要求:雅思6.5(6.0),或者托福79 (no scores below 21 in Writing, 18 in Speaking, and...
It has been reported that the risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) could be predicted by the Australian National University Alzheimer Disease Risk Index (ANU-ADRI) scores. However, among non-demented Chinese adults, the correlations of ANU-ADRI scores with
The Data Science Toolkitis a collection of location-based and text-related APIs. API Integration in Pythonprovides a very readable introduction to REST APIs. Microsoft's Face Detection API, which, is a great example of how a machine learning API can be leveraged to produce ...
It has been passed down since our founding in 1872, and to this day—for every employee— it is at the core of everything we do. PEOPLE FIRST ART & SCIENCE UNCOMPROMISING QUALITY DIVERSITY JAPANESE AESTHETICS OMOTENASHI OUR PRINCIPLES (TRUST 8) OUR PRINCIPLES serve as the working principles ...