Master of Business Administration | 工商管理硕士 Master of Business Information Systems | 商业信息系统硕士 Master of Commerce (Advanced) | 商业硕士 Master of Economic Policy | 经济政策硕士 Master of Economic | 经济学硕士 Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation | 创业与创新硕士 Master of Finance |...
农业创新理学硕士Master of Science (Advanced) in Agricultural Innovation 天文学和天体物理学硕士Master of Science (Advanced) in Astronomy and Astrophysics 生物科学硕士Master of Science (Advanced) in Biological Sciences 材料科学理学硕士Master of Science (Advanced) in Materials Science 核科学理学硕士Master o...
Master of Science (Advanced) in Theoretical Physics | 理论物理学理学硕士 Master of Science Communication | 传播学硕士 Master of Science Communication Outreach | 传播外展科学硕士 Master of Science in Agricultural Innovation | 农业创新理学硕士 Master of Science in Astronomy & Astrophysics | 天文学与天体...
Master of Management | 管理硕士 Master of Marketing Management | 营销管理硕士 Master of Professional Accounting | 专业会计硕士 Master of Project Management | 项目管理硕士 Master of Statistics | 统计学硕士 澳洲国立大学申请评估 ...
Master of General and Applied Linguistics| 一般和应用语言学硕士 Master of History | 历史学硕士 Master of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies | 中东和中亚研究硕士 Master of Museum and Heritage Studies | 博物馆和遗产研究硕士 Master of Political Science | 政治学硕士 Master of Social Research...
Master of Science Communication Outreach Master of Science in Science Communication Master of Business Administration (incl. MBA Advanced) Executive Master of Public Administration Executive Master of Public Policy Doctor of Medicine & Surgery (MChD). ANU更多课程入学要求和申请规划,可以咨询新石器留学移民顾...
Master of Science Communication Outreach | 传播外展科学硕士 澳洲国立大学申请评估👉点我开始 Social Sciences & Humanities | 社会科学和人文科学 Master of Anthropology | 人类学硕士 Master of Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development | 应用人类学和参与式发展硕士。 Master of Culture, Health and Me...
· Master of Communication 1年 1月、5月、9开课,要求本科相关背景(criminology, sociology, legal studies, psychology, humanities/arts or business studies) 语言要求:雅思6.5(6.0),或者托福79 (no scores below 21 in Writing, 18 in Speaking, and...
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Master/ Graduate Diploma/ Graduate Certificate ofMilitary and Defence Studies Master of Innovation & Professional Practice Master of Clinical Psychology Master of Science Communication Outreach Master of Science in Science Communication Master of Business Administration (incl. MBA Advanced) ...