3、澳大利亚乐卓博大学护理学士新增入学名额: 乐卓博大学奥尔伯里-沃东加、本迪戈、米尔杜拉和谢珀顿校区新增 Bachelor of Nursing (Graduate Entry Pathway) 护理学士(毕业生通道)入学名额。 小方糖提醒:该课程不限制申请人的本科背景。...
Retrieve a single call history entry by providing an ID. Parameters Tabloyu genişlet NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Call ID call_id True integer Unique ID of the call. Returns Tabloyu genişlet NamePathTypeDescription version version string version status status string status statusCode ...
An exercise is configured via an entry in the exercises array in config.json file. If fizzbuzz is an optional exercise, it would have an entry below the core exercises that might look like:{ "slug": "fizzbuzz", "uuid": "mumblety-peg-whatever", "core": false, "unlocked_by": "two...