澳国立的3年制JD法学硕士专业,申请人无需法律背景,有机会去牛津大学读1年,澳国立读2.5年,总共3.5年拿到牛津大学的Bachelor of Civil Law+澳国立的JD双学位! 课程设置: 3年共需完成144 Units (24门课程) : 包括15门必修课(90 units)和9门法律选修课(54 units),选修课中必须包括至少3门(18 units)LAWS 800...
(3) Bachelorof Information Technology 信息技术学士 学制为3年,2月和7月开学,预科平均成绩至少69% 【5】法学院 College of Law (1) Bachelorof Laws 法学士 学制为4年,2月和7月开学,预科平均成绩至少85%,并且预科高级学术英文成绩至少85% 【6】物理和数学科学学院 College of Physical and Mathematical Scien...
法学学士(荣誉学位) Bachelor of Laws (Honours) 开学时间:2月 和 7月 学制:4年 2021年学费:44470澳币/年 录取学历要求: 澳洲高考成绩ATAR 96+;或 课程概况: 作为一门荣誉学位课程,澳国立法学学士(荣誉学位)(LLBHons)从学生入学起就注重培养他们独立研究的能力,分析和批判性思维,以帮助他们在毕业后能顺利在职...
国际法和外交硕士Master of International Law and Diplomacy 法学硕士Master of Laws 科学学院Science 医学和外科医生Doctor of Medicine and Surgery 生物技术硕士Master of Biotechnology 临床心理学硕士Master of Clinical Psychology 医学和健康科学Master of Culture Health and Medicine (Advanced) 医学和健康科学Master ...
人文学学士学位 Bachelor of Arts & 法律荣誉学士学位 Bachelor of Laws(Honours) – 五年制 人文学学士是涵盖专业方向最多,选课最为弹性灵活,也是最受学生欢迎的旗舰学位课程。可选55个主修专业(major)及70个辅修(minor/specialisations)。在选择法学与人文学双学士的在校生及毕业生中,选择国际关系(International Rel...
The ANU College of Law has reinforced its position as one of Australia's leading law schools with the announcement of several new education programs for 2015.###@@@Covering both undergraduate and postgraduate cohorts, the new programs include the Bachelor of Laws (Honours), the Graduate Certific...
Pranutan Bahl Age, Boyfriend, Family, Biography & More Bio/Wiki Some Lesser Known Facts About Pranutan Bahl Does Pranutan Bahl smoke?: No September 17, 2018
No-fault divorce laws(the Family Law Act of 1975): Arrow agreed this was crucial social change, and it is covered in the book Multiculturalism: This is mentioned in the book, but given her focus, it’s mostly in relation to migrant and indigenous women in the women’s movement, and how...
The guy who interviewed you is the one who needed a saucer of milk. What he asked you was not only catty, it also potentially rises to the level of discrimination. There are several federa...