【范德普尔归来】安特卫普港口赛/Antwerp Port Epic范德普尔夺冠。比利时的又一项石头路+土路小型单日赛。范德普尔自奥运摔车之后首次回到赛场。欧倍青车队也给了他很大的支持,派出主力出战,范德普尔在比赛中段和队友一起加速,跻身第一集团。范德普尔在最后25公里进攻,只有旺蒂车队的“玉米哥”范德霍恩能跟上,两人一路...
Belgium’s second city, Antwerp is a big ol’ port and an enclave of cool. Brimming with historic townhouses, quirky cafes and a medieval centre, this is a great place to wander about and discover on your own two feet. But with all that historyis there anywhere left for a humble hoste...